PHARMACY SURVEY Select age range younger than 2021-3031-4041-5051-6060+ Select Gender MaleFemale Select status Working FTWorking PTSeeking EmploymentReceiving age pensionSelf-funded retireeOther How often do you shop in a pharmacy? Once a month or less2-4 times a monthgreater than 4 times a month What’s usually the MAIN reason for shopping in a pharmacy THREE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS for your choice in pharmacy. Please rank 1-3 where rank 1 is the most appealing: Easy access to a pharmacist Relationship with pharmacist (familiarity) Knowledge of Staff Friendly / Familiar Service Convenience of Location Range of Products Efficiency of script processing Rewards program / bonuses Price of non-prescription items Price of prescription items Other How often do you visit more than 1 pharmacy premises? NeverLess often than once a monthonce a monthmore often than once a month What is the main reason you visit more than one pharmacy premises? Select OneConvenience of locationRange of productsPrice of prescription itemsPrice of non-prescription itemsKnowledge of staffEfficiency of script processingRewards program/ bonuses If there was important updates and information relating to the supply and pricing of your prescription medicine, whose voice would you expect to hear that from PharmacistPharmacy AssistantCustomerPharmacy ManagementOther What would improve your in-store pharmacy experience? LiveLife are considering improvements to the LiveLife Rewards Loyalty program. Of the following measures being considered which 3 most appeal to you? Please rank 1-3 where rank 1 is the most appealing: To receive more communication via SMS To receive more communication via email To receive less communication via SMS Ability to participate in the rewards program without the need to have a LiveLife Rewards card Personalisation of offers where you only receive communication on product ranges that you have bought in the past Exclusive personalised member communication with offers or vouchers to buy products you have bought before for a cheaper price in the future Member prize draws where members who shop at a LiveLife Pharmacy during the month go into a monthly prize draw To receive less communication via email Other Email Address* Submitting the same email address multiple times is not allowed.