Easy access to a pharmacist

    Relationship with pharmacist (familiarity)

    Knowledge of Staff

    Friendly / Familiar Service

    Convenience of Location

    Range of Products

    Efficiency of script processing

    Rewards program / bonuses

    Price of non-prescription items

    Price of prescription items


    To receive more communication via SMS

    To receive more communication via email

    To receive less communication via SMS

    Ability to participate in the rewards program without the need to have a LiveLife Rewards card

    Personalisation of offers where you only receive communication on product ranges that you have bought in the past

    Exclusive personalised member communication with offers or vouchers to buy products you have bought before for a cheaper price in the future

    Member prize draws where members who shop at a LiveLife Pharmacy during the month go into a monthly prize draw

    To receive less communication via email


    Submitting the same email address multiple times is not allowed.